오랜 고민이였다. 일관성을 유지하고 싶은데... 제 멋대로 써대는 모습이 영 마음에 들지 않았다.
그래서 찾은 자료~~ 문법상이나 워딩상에도 문제가 있다. 용어 정리가 왜 필요한지 다들 알았으면 좋겠다.
닥쳐서 하지 말고!! 아래는 참고해봅시다.
Beyond Position And Visibility
Other (seemingly small) considerations on the logout process include:
- Grammar: To “log out” (two separate words) is to take an action, while “logout” is a noun or adjective that describes the components required to exit an account. It is a small difference, but clear grammar is a cornerstone of clear UX.
- Wording: There is a subtle difference between ‘signing’ out and ‘logging’ out. The former pertains to signing in and out of a physical building via a visitor book, while the latter is more meaningful and valid for online interactions. Again, the devil is in the detail.
- Security: If the account contains sensitive information, the user might expect to be logged out on an automatic or timed basis as soon as they abandon the page. (That does not mean that the logout link should not remain visible and explicit.)
- Transparency: If you make the logout option challenging to find, it could appear that you are forcing the user to stay within a passive logged-in state. Consequently, this has darker implications of web usage monitoring and data mining, which could alienate users later down the line.
Clearly, the logging out process is not as trivial as it might first appear. These (condensed) considerations all happen before the user has even hit the “Log out” button – without touching on what happens next.
아님, 모르겠으면 그냥 따라라도 했으면 한다. ㅎㅎ